
Built-in Auto-Reconnect and Retry Mechanism

The auto-reconnect and retry mechanism is a key feature of the Async.MQTT5 library. It is designed to internally manage the complexities of disconnects, backoffs, reconnections, and message retransmissions. These tasks, if handled manually, could lead to extended development times, difficult testing, and compromised reliability. By automating these processes, the Async.MQTT5 library enables users of the mqtt_client to focus primarily on the application's functionality without worrying about the repercussions of lost network connectivity.

You can call any asynchronous function within the mqtt_client regardless of its current connection status. If the mqtt_client is offline, it will queue all outgoing requests and transmit them as soon as the connection is restored. In situations where the connection is unexpectedly lost mid-protocol flow, the mqtt_client complies with the MQTT protocol's specified message delivery retry mechanisms.

The following example will showcase how the mqtt_client internally manages various scenarios, including successful transmission, offline queuing, and connection loss retransmissions when executing a request to publish a message with QoS 1. Note that the same principle applies to all other asynchronous functions within the mqtt_client (see Completion condition under mqtt_client::async_publish, mqtt_client::async_subscribe, mqtt_client::async_unsubscribe, and mqtt_client::async_disconnect).

// Publishing with QoS 1 involves a two-step process: sending a PUBLISH message to the Broker and awaiting a PUBACK (acknowledgement) response.
// The scenarios that might happen are:
//   1) The Client will immediately send the PUBLISH message and start to wait for the PUBACK reply. 
//       The user's completion handler will not be invoked yet, regardless of whether the Client successfully sent the message.
//   2) When the Client fails to send the message, it will try to reconnect to the Broker automatically.
//       If it succeeds, it will resend the message. If reconnect fails, the Client will try to connect again until it succeeds.
//       Meanwhile, the user's completion handler will NOT be invoked except when the Client detects an unrecoverable error (for example, when the list of configured brokers is empty).
//       Note that the Client will try to connect indefinitely, meaning the user's completion handler may never be invoked.
//   3) When the Client successfully sends the PUBLISH message, the Broker is required to respond with a PUBACK message. 
//       The reply message may indicate success or an MQTT error (for example, signalling that the message is not accepted due to implementation or administrative limits).
//       The Client will read the PUBACK message and call the user's completion handler with the appropriate arguments.
//   4) The PUBACK message should arrive within 20 seconds of the PUBLISH message being successfully sent.
//       If it does not, the PUBLISH message will be sent again. In the meantime, the user's callback will not be invoked.

	"my-topic", "Hello world!",
	async_mqtt5::retain_e::no, async_mqtt5::publish_props {},
	[](async_mqtt5::error_code ec, async_mqtt5::reason_code rc, async_mqtt5::puback_props props) {
		// This callback is invoked under any of the following circumstances:
		//  a) The Client successfully sends the PUBLISH packet and receives a PUBACK from the Broker.
		//  b) The Client encounters a non-recoverable error, such as a cancellation or providing invalid parameters
		//     to async_publish, which prevents the message from being sent.

The integrated auto-reconnect and retry mechanism greatly improves the user experience by simplifying complex processes and ensuring continuous connections. However, it is important to be mindful of certain limitations and considerations associated with this feature.

Delayed Handler Invocation

During extended periods of mqtt_client downtime, the completion handlers for asynchronous functions, such as those used in mqtt_client::async_publish, may face considerable delays before invocation. This can result in users being left in the dark regarding the status of their requests due to the absence of prompt feedback on the initiated actions.

Concealing Configuration-Related Issues

The mqtt_client will always try to reconnect to the Broker(s) regardless of the reason why the connection was previously closed. This is desirable behaviour when the connection gets dropped due to underlying stream transport issues, such as when a device connected to the network loses its GSM connectivity.

However, the connection may be closed (or never established) for other reasons, which are typically related to misconfiguration of broker IPs, ports, expired or incorrect TLS, or MQTT-related errors, such as trying to communicate with a Broker that does not support MQTT 5. In these cases, the mqtt_client will still endlessly try to connect to the Broker(s), but the connection will never succeed.

The most challenging problem here is that users of the mqtt_client do not get informed in any way that the connection cannot be established. So, if you make a typo in the Broker's IP, run the mqtt_client, and publish some message, the mqtt_client::async_publish callback will never be invoked, and you will not "catch" the error or detect the root cause of the issue.

The possible alternative approach, where the mqtt_client would return something like "unrecoverable error" when you try to publish a message to a misconfigured Broker, would have a terrible consequence if the Broker itself is misconfigured. For example, suppose someone forgets to renew the TLS certificate on the Broker. The connection will be broken in that case, and the mqtt_client would report an "unrecoverable error" through the mqtt_client::async_publish method. Now, the expired TLS certificate on the Broker is most probably a temporary issue, so it is natural that the mqtt_client would try to reconnect until the certificate gets renewed. But, if the mqtt_client stops retrying when it detects such an "unrecoverable error," then the decision of when to reconnect would be left to the user.

By design, one of the main functional requirements of the mqtt_client was to handle reconnection steps automatically and correctly. If the decision for reconnection were left to the user, then the user would need to handle all those error states manually, which would dramatically increase the complexity of the user's code, not to mention how difficult it would be to cover all possible error states.

The proposed approach for detecting configuration errors in the mqtt_client is to use our logging mechanism as described in Debugging the Client

Increased Resource Consumption

The mqtt_client is designed to automatically buffer requests that are initiated while it is offline. During extended downtime or when a high volume of requests accumulates, this can lead to an increase in memory usage. This aspect is significant for devices with limited resources, as the growing memory consumption can impact their performance and functionality.
